Pat Russo Talks Taxi Laws

Friday, May 10, 2013

On Saturday, May 4, 2013, Pat Russo (Special Counsel, New York) appeared on the "La Voz Del Volante Radio Show" on Radio WADO, 1280 AM. The show is hosted by Fernando Mateo and Jose Viloria, founders of the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers.

Pat provided provided legal commentary and analysis to discuss the oral arguments made on April 24th before the judges of the New York State Court of Appeals concerning the legal challenges to the Street Hail Livery Law. The three lawsuits were initiated by several New York City taxi trade associations and consolidated into one matter. The Street Hail Livery Law was to create 18,000 boro taxis, and add 2,000 yellow "accessible only" medallion taxicabs to the New York City fleet. The taxi industry sued New York State, New York City and the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission on several grounds. The most notable cause of action was that the State law violated "home rule" since Mayor Bloomberg pressed the State to pass the law without input from the NYC Council.

Pat has provided legal commentary on the radio show on previous occasions to discuss transportation matters.